Wednesday 16 October 2013

Six The Poor Financial Habits You Need To Avoid

Not having the money is not bad . But having money also must be clever in managing it .
Many people think that having a lot of money means being able to enjoy it every time . Make no mistake , it can actually make you bankrupt. Here is a bad financial habit and you should avoid .
1 . Moved each year
Move house every year mean increase spending each year . Married and having children are two of the many things that motivate people decide to move house . However , did you know that moving house to spend your money to buy a purpose beyond your anticipation ? The cost for the transfer was not cheap . Better to look for a place to stay that will make you comfortable at home so do not have to move every year .
2 . Do not have savings
Everyone knows the importance of saving , but many still consider trivial . Savings actually intended for an urgent need . If you do not have savings and something untoward happens to you or your family , then it will be a new problem for you how to make a payment . Thus , the savings should be prepared . You can set aside little by little from your paycheck to support unforeseen needs in the future .
3 . Can not lower the cost of lifestyle
Your unwillingness to reduce lifestyle like eating at fancy restaurants , buy a pair of professional designers , and installing cable tv have wasted your money on something that may actually be reduced . Things like that have been mentioned previously is not your primary needs . Occasionally try to reduce it and see how much money could you save .
4 . Spending a lot of money for cell phones
Emergence of the smartphone or smart phone with advanced applications that support human activity been a new trend in society . Even smartphone helps man to finish the job . But for those who only use it simply for chatting , online , or socializing think again before buying a cell phone with a variety of advanced features .
5 . Do not use cash
Debit or credit card has now been easier for you to transact the sale . Hold cash just as a backup if you have to pay for parking or taxi . However , do you know that the transaction using cash helps you to keep track of where the money that you spend .
The point is this , by paying with cash , you will make a purchase budget that automatically adjusts the cash in your pocket . When paying cash when buying a meal or a drink , you inevitably have physical contact with money so that you will think twice to put out the money . You can also calculate how much money you bring , and how much you have spent for lunch and take a cab so you can still keep track of where the money is .
6 . Have too many bank accounts
Have many bank accounts means there is some percent of your money being sucked by each bank account you have for administrative costs . Having many credit cards means you have allowed yourself to have a lot of debt .
At the end of the cards that require payment will make your stress . Better to be owner of the only debit and credit cards . Pick a debit card transaction service that allows you to bank with all the administrative costs that are not too expensive and the rest of the money is not too much pent . Choose a credit card with an interest rate that is too high and the use of the things that is needed .

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